Click to SET UP ONLINE GIVING Start here: giving firstfruits, not leftovers If we are honest, many of us do not commit a certain percentage of our income to our charitable giving. Maybe we respond generously when asked—and we are grateful for that!—but God asks us to give when we "first" receive, not from our leftovers: "Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops" (Proverbs 3:9).
How much should we give back to God? God commanded his people to give 10% of their wealth (a "tithe") back to the Church (Leviticus 27:30-32, Numbers 18:26, Deuteronomy 14:22). Of course, we understand that giving 10% to your parish (the "full tithe") may not seem viable for many people, especially if you support other charitable causes. That being said:
We humbly invite you to consider giving at least 2% of your household income to support your parish mission.
How much is that per week? Take a look at the chart. For each level of income, you can see what weekly gift corresponds to 2% (or more). Once you have decided on an amount, click the button below to set up the recurring gift.
Set up online giving From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your generosity!
What about special collections, like Christmas and Easter? There are also many special causes and major feast days during the year that you may wish to support. For those who want to "set it and forget it," we have made it easy to pre-set your giving for all of our special collections. Click below for more information: Set up special collections